Tutorial: Adobe Essential Graphics for After Effects and Premiere Pro
In this tutorial, I'll show you how to use the Essential Graphics panel that is now built into Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro, which now features the ability to download and install either paid or free motion graphics templates.
Editing the Text in Premiere Pro
So, switching over to Premiere Pro, in Figure 4 (below), you can see in the Essential Graphics panel that I've got my bullet points and then I have my basic title as well. So, they will essentially immediately show up in your library in the other application once you sync it or export it from After Effects.

Figure 4. The Essential Graphics panel in Premiere Pro
From here, all you need to do is find what you need and drag it to your timeline. It's very similar bringing an After Effects file directly into Premiere Pro. It's an unrendered media file that probably won't play smoothly. It has to be rendered before it will play smoothly--but as you can see in Figure 4--you can see my bullet points are visible here just as they appeared in After Effects.
You've still got the place holder text in there just like they showed in After Effects, and then to make changes to them, all you do is you use your Effects panel, just like for any effect you would apply to a video clip. You select that clip, go to Effect Controls, and then you can drop down all of these new effects under the Motion Graphics template (Figure 5, below), and just change your text. It changes on the fly as you type, as soon as you go to a new blank.

Figure 5. Editing text in the Effect Controls panel
And then just to show you how the overflow is set up, I'll copy and paste this so you can see that it will actually contain all the text (Figure 6, below). In After Effects, I have to make my text box large enough to fit the text that I know I'm going to need.

Figure 6. Long text contained.
In this project, I had to do some trial and error to move the arrows to the right points and then extend those text boxes. I ended up allowing them to hold up to three or four lines of text so that it wouldn't be cut off. But anything I need to change is very easy to do in the Effect Controls panel. If I need to replicate it, I can just copy and paste or I can put it also back in new from the Essential Graphics panel.
For now, you can see that it's retained those, but this now has its own independent effects that I can change independent of the other one. So it makes it super easy to make a bunch of things over and over again, and the only thing I did differently was I created an ending animation in Premiere Pro, because I didn't know how long I wanted each of these to be on screen, so I let them be longer than needed.
The text templates that I used for the final output are much shorter than the ones I started with. They just go indefinitely with the text static on screen, and then I just brought it in to the length I needed, and I created a zoom animation just to take the text offscreen that you can see at the 7:25 mark in the tutorial video. And then the next one will kind of come in overtop of it as the other one zooms out, and you'll see that in Figure 7 (below) the final output. The first one will begin to zoom off shortly into the ether, and the new ones slide onscreen. It makes a nice smooth transition between the two.

Figure 7. A screen from the final output from this project
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